Keepin’ it Goin’ & Poor Thanksgiving

20 11 2007

I can’t say that it has been easy, but I wanted to let you know that I did workout yesterday and I did run today.  I decided to keep a regular update of my exercising status going in hopes that it would motivate me to actually go exercise on the days that I really don’t feel like doing it.  If I have to write more than a couple of times a week that I did not workout, feel free to flame me in the comments section of this well-written blog.  I will print them out and read them the next time I’m feeling like being lame.

Thanksgiving break is here!  If Thanksgiving were a person, it would be the red-headed adopted stepchild of the holiday season.  (No offense to any red-headed, adopted, or stepchild readers.  If you’re all three at once, sorry, but it does suck to be you.)  Everyone gets so pumped about Halloween.  As soon as the costumes get put up, the Christmas lights come out.  I have a rule in my house…no Christmas lights until Thanksgiving is over.   I even try to avoid stores that look like Santa vomited a cornucopia of Christmas cheer the day after Halloween.  I noticed that Starbucks is catching some flack  for breaking out the Christmas blend so early.  I hope they catch all kinds of hell for blowing off the National Day of Thanks to make a few extra dollars on an already bloated holiday.  On the other side of the coin, there are stores like Nordstrom’s.  They have signs outside the stores telling customers that they don’t plan to decorate before Friday.  They read, “Enjoy the day as we will — with our family and friends. Then, when Friday, November 25 rolls around, feel free to stop by for a bit of good cheer.”  Now there’s a store that deserves my Christmas money.  Too bad I couldn’t afford a package of underwear in there.



One response

26 11 2007

What happened to the 21, 22. 23, 24, and 25? That is assuming that you work out/ blog tonight.

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